Comments below a Neo-Confederate “Irish slaves” meme

Liam Hogan
11 min readNov 3, 2016


With just a few days to go before the U.S. Presidential election a Neo-Confederate Facebook page (599,000 followers) posted an “Irish slaves” meme on 26 October and an ahistorical “Irish slaves” article on 3 November. For my own records I’ve extracted a sample of the comments that appeared below the line. This meme was shared over 16,000 times in a single week.

This was the most popular comment (302 likes)

“It is a fact that the Irish were treated worse than the blacks.The big difference is the Irish worked hard to get out of servitude and don’t speak of it because it is a matter of pride, they don’t won’t to be known for their past, but for their accomplishments and how they overcame racism. Blacks keep winning about something over a hundred years ago because they want free everything, the Irish are too proud for that.”

“I’m Irish Cherokee so I understand. So pull your damn pants up you thug bastards and pull your share of the load. I haven’t got nothing free from the damn government. I’ve work from a teenager and served my country for you ungrateful pieces of shit so shut the hell up until you’ve walked a mile in my shoes.”

“Here’s another fun fact. More African Americans had jobs when they were slaves than they do today. I know that sounds racist. But when your told your racist for so long, you become one.”

“Because we’re badass, we work hard and want better! We’re still here, still proud and don’t wine about the past! Push forward!”

“They know but some just can’t break out and do positive things to make their own lives better it’s easy to keep blaming others cause you are to lazy to make it.”

“That’s because the Irish aren’t bitches and pansies like the ancestors of the African American slaves and besides that it would be politically incorrect to say that an Irishman were to be ever held a slave in America and or even England suck American population cannot handle the Irish were treated worse than any other black slave no I mean you don’t hear that either I must have got over the past and everybody else it’s been almost a hundred and fifty years there was any slaves in America.”

“Because we’re not pussies! Either work your ass off for what you want an where you want to be, or shut up an quit expecting a hand out. Don’t be a “kept” man. Make your own.”

“The thing is, we’re not out here thinking the world owes us something. We pulled up our pants and got busy. Now we’re part of something great, as to you rioters and thugs. Get a job and be somebody and quit acting like everyone owes you something.”

“Monkeys are/were too lazy to work so now only black lives matter. Personally I wasn’t around and neither was this bunch of ghetto trash, therefore I don’t owe these yard apes anything.”

“The Irish pulled there boots on and worked to make their lives better, didnt ask or get government assistance,when they couldn’t make it in new York they moved to just have to want to be make your life better!”

“Because what is in the past is gone we worked we over came. We don’t want the world to see us as victims but as fighters and strong. We earned our freedom we earned our story. We don’t want your pity and your handouts.”

“Because we’re not a bunch of cry babies like all the other so-called slaves they weren’t slaves maybe two hundred years ago they were slaves there is no more and people to quit using that card cuz it makes them look stupid.”

“It doesn’t fit the narrative for race baiters like Obama and Al Sharpton because only black lives matter to them and those 2 idiots screwed over blacks more than most.”

“There not a race that is whining that the white man owes me their a proud race that’s moved on worked hard bettered themselves and are proud of the accomplishments they have done don’t whine about the pass.”

“ Because they’re not pussies or crybabies they’ve always been tough and they always will be….they’ve come out of the past and became successful and are very proud Americans true blooded American’s.”

“I’ve made that very comment more times than I can’t remember but its viewed as irrelevant because we Irish are white. But we also don’t get in an uproar about it and start riots because we’re better than that.”

“Yeah that’s so true,but some people are just cry babies,and always expecting others to make life better for them instead of making life better for yourself.”

“It is a known fact we were slaves in America. But we are a proud group of people and over came that to move on to a better life. And the Irish aren’t whiners.”

“As someone with strong Irish background, I bring this up constantly whenever someone mentions black slaves. Nobody feels sorry for me because of my ancestors. I don’t demand to be paid for it. Guess it must be my “white privilege” that allows me to handle it like a grown up.”

“Because Obama said blacks deserve free money for their ancestors hell . And blm is all for that ,after all, they take money from the liberal government to terrorise white people . Soon that will be over and they will have to go back to livng with mommy and robbing old people for their checks.”

“Complete truth! The Irish were treated horribly and were worth much more than the black slaves. And yes they overcame it and dont want to be known for it.”

“Most blacks are afraid to read the history books oops sorry most blacks don’t know what a history book is cause they drop out of school and listen to al sharpton and the bunch.”

“ Because we are not crybabies like so many others, and we get out to work so we don’t have all that time on our hands to think up more so called injustices!☘”

“Because those tough ass little potato munkies, ain’t pussies,, they said FOOKIT!! rolled up their sleeves and worked for it.”

“They don’t read the History of this country stupid Brown people think its all about them all I can say is you make your bed you sleep in it.”

“They weren’t whiners. They worked hard and didn’t feel sorry for themselves. They had pride. Something alien to most Blacks.”

“The Irish when to work they had pride @ to better there self the Black screen to was a way for them to get something for Notting and they been bleeding it ever cent.”

“ Because they aren’t a bunch of bitches that can’t get over something that happened yrs before and has nothing to do with the living people today.”

“Probably because us with Irish ancestry got over shit 100 years ago and moved on. Btw, we also just call ourselves American.”

“The blacks prefer not to acknowledge this because theyd rather feel everyone owes them something for what they have never experienced to begin with…”

“And we’re not a bunch of pussy bitches. Drinking and moving on with life. Get over the past and be proud to be American. Just saying.”

“I’m an Irish man right here and you dont see me bitching about it my ancestors came before me fighting for there lifes and starving to get where we are today.”

“Because we rolled up our sleeves grabbed our bootstraps and Rose to the top weren’t screaming and yelling to throw banana to us.”

“Liberals do not want blacks to know history. That would ruin the liberals new way of keeping the blacks enslaved by making them dependent on and voting for democrats.”

“Because the Irish worked their way out of it then up. They did not complain nor beg.. Just hard work.. After the conditions they left in Ireland, a chance is all they wanted and they succeeded.. Don’t here any Irish wanting reparations fro England or America and their bitch goes back over 900 yrs. just goes to show you why the Blacks in Africa never developed an empire of consequences that lasted or expanded..”

“Because we have moved past our transgressors and made a life for ourselves. Not clung to the handouts from the Feds and State, and cried and whined about how bad we are treated.”

“That’s because our government teaches us what they want us to know. And they delete from our textbooks what does not benefit them.”

“Irish has more class and will never become a democratic welfare slave. They have pride and a work ethic.”

“We just push forward and make our lives better for ourselves.”

“Give me this, give me that, feed me, house me, cloth me! No! Hey that’s racist! The biggest excuse ever heard!”

“Because we ain’t a bunch of cry baby pussy we suck it up and go on.”

“We’re Irish we don’t whine- I’m sure it sucked, but we take our lumps an roll on. And now look, everyone loves us.”

“Guess the Irish know how to move on and work things out for the best. Some can’t.”

“I know. Were not in an outrage because we have to work and don’t have time. Plus were not pussies.”

“Because they moved on and got on with their lives. They never held on to the past. They kept moving forward.”

“If the so call Africans don’t like the good ol U.S.A then get the hell out you won’t hurt no ones feelings.”

“Because they’re not pussies, and are hard workers, and can drink your ass under the table…”

“They are too busy working and taking care of their families.”

“Because they [did not] whine about it. They lifted themselves out of it. It’s called self worth.”

“Because George Soros and others didn’t fund Irish Lives Matter!”

“We aren’t outraged because we are strong Americans and don’t sit on a pity pot ..☘☘”

“Because they aren’t looking for handouts because of something that didn’t happen to any living person today.”

“Cause the Irish aren’t a bunch of wussies. Yeah I said it. Put me in Facebook jail.”

“For sure!!!!! Blacks do not want to except this…but it is true…”

“Because we dont bitch about shit like a woman would we go to a bar and have a drink.”

“Because they are not lazy, a bunch of whiners looking for a free ride like some other groups of people.”

“Because the Irish pulled up their big boy pants moved on and moved up.”

“Because they aren’t whining little bitches expecting everything to be handed to them.”

“This is very true!! You don’t hear us Irish complaining!!?”

“Because they are strong men and women and not “eternal victims””

“And unlike the spook slaves they actually worked! Damn lazy gigaboos!”

“Reparations for this Irishman should be in order! ILM!”

“Not everyone are babies who use the past. Wow blacks have taken it way to far!!!! Amen”

“Holy crap, I just said this the other day!!!! Wow!!!! Irish Americans should be in an uproar!!!”

“Did slaves have it bad, ever thing was free just like today under the Dems.”

“Blacks just want a hand out like they’ll be rioting over it. :-)”


“Because we’re not whiny little brats that want free shit. We work hard for ours and overcome all obstacles!”

“Because the Irish ain’t lazy mother fucker’s looking for a hand out!”

“Because we don’t cry like little babies and think the world owes us everything.”

“I am of Irish am not looking for a free ride, some people are looking for something for nothing & will not work for anything as long as they can get their beer & smokes for nothing.”

“And the Irish aren’t pussies that cry about the past the move on and dont take hand outs.”

“You really do not expect the negros to take responsibility for anything, do you?”

“Because Irish Americans aren’t whiny cry babies.”

“Because they worked hard and earned respect. They didn’t sit around with their hand out singing “Poor Me””

“We don’t wine we just pick ourselves up and go to work and change our lives and don’t dwell on the past.”

“That’s right we were but I don’t hear us crying all the fuckin time like others.”

“Because we’re not a bunch of whiny pussies…..we punch you in the mouth then we go have a few pints and move on.”

“FACT and they worked hard and didn’t look back for handouts from the government.”

“They don’t know it because they are not pussies who just wait for an excuse to play the race bullshit.”

“Because they had the pride and work ethics to become a awesome part of our history.”

“That’s because we aren’t babies who want things handed to us.”

“Not only that….we fought a civil war to free am…lost thousands…and not even a thank you from our black brothers& sisters.”

“They do’t want to now anything that is true, they love lies.”

“Because Irish aren’t whiney pussies who are offended by everything.”

“Coz the Irish are not cry babies about stuff that happen oh let’s say couple hundred years back.”

“If reparations are in order, make it a one way ticket to whatever African country they wish.”

“Because they know how to let crap go. And not keep crying about it and not call racism all the time.”

“Cause the Irish aren’t whiney pussies looking for a handout.”

“That’s because, some people have the power to move on. Not use it for pity and to use it for laziness.”

“The irish are not pansy trying to get something for free.”

“The Irish were treated much worse than the black slaves were.”

“They don’t wanna know! Might take away from their crying!”

“That’s because the Irish aren’t a bunch of crying punk ass bitches.”

“They had some balls and worked to get ahead instead of thinking everyone owed them something.”

“Because we’re too damn busy working and paying for everyone’s welfare.”

“Cause they’re not stupid…this was years ago, they want to move forward like the rest of us.”

“Because the Irish people aren’t a bunch of Wambly Mambly pussy ass MoFos looking for a handout.”

“I don’t know about first, but to answer your question, we’re not a bunch of self entitled crybabies!”

“Because the Irish reached down and pulled their own bootstraps up and didn’t get that hand out!”

“I knew but us irish people are not pussy ass cry babies that demand free shit.”

“Cause we’ve matured. We don’t dwell on the past.”

“Because the Irish ain’t a bunch of government fed pussy’s.”

“Cuz the Irish aren’t little whiney bitches.”

“Us Irish are not cry babies we move on.”

“The Irish aren’t lazy cry babies.”

“Because we aren’t pussies.”

“I learned that in this facebook awhile back.”

“That’s because they don’t whine about it.”

“they are not and have never been scavengers and takers like those involved in the BLM movement…”

“We’re not outraged because were not a bunch of slack-jawed sissy’ bitch’s.”

“Because we’re not crybabys!”

“Because Irish aren’t wussbags like the African Americans.””

“I just read an entire book about that — best book ever.”

“Because they’re civilized.”

“The Irish are not a bunch of welfare cry babies.”

“Cause we ain’t a bunch of cry baby ass pussies.”

“Because they didn’t want something for free like da Blacks.”

“BECAUSE we aren’t pussies whining!”

“Because the Irish ain’t winers and pussys”

“Because we don’t whine and cry about the past like others do.”

“Because they are not cry babies and they don’t want nothing for free.”

“They are dignified, that is why, not whiners.”

“Because we are not pussies and live in the past.”

“Because knee-grows are pussies!”

“They don’t live in the past for a profit like negros.”

“Because the Irish aren’t pussies.”

“Irish aren’t pussies.”

“Because the irish aren’t a bunch of pussies.”

“Because the Irish aren’t pussies.”

“We are not pussies.”

“We are not bitches.”

“Because we picked up our bootstraps and went to work.”

“Because we are not whinny sissys.”

“Because Irish are not babies.”

“Because we have more class.”

“Irish ain’t pussies.”

“Absolutely, because they’re white.”

“Because the Irish ant pussys.”

“We ar not pussies that’s why.”

“Because they are not sissy cry babies.”


“Because were not pussies and we understand logic….”

“Because not welfare leaches.”

“Wow. Feel like I am on a KKK thread.”



Liam Hogan
Liam Hogan

Written by Liam Hogan

Librarian & Historian. Researching and writing about slavery, memory and power. Ko-Fi

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